Client | LIMINAL — Graphic Identity and Website |
Year | 2024 |
"LIMINAL is a laboratory investigating intersectional (im-)mobilities and border violence. Based in the University of Bologna’s Department of the Arts, it builds on more than ten years of experience in developing pioneering techniques of geospatial, media and open-source investigation in the context of the Forensic Oceanography and Border Forensics project."
Inspired by the characteristics of a stamp, the logotype is designed to be flexible and adaptable across various colors, backgrounds, and formats. Its defining feature is the tilted letter “I,” a distinctive gesture that ensures the name remains instantly recognizable, even when hand-drawn.
The website is designed with a modular system of rectangular cards, providing a dynamic framework to showcase LIMINAL’s projects, investigations, publications, exhibitions, and events. The project's visual identity unfolds across the pages through graphic system characterized by clean line strokes, vibrant colors, different text hierarchies that organize the information.
Designed in collaboration with Ariadna Serrahima from Oficina de Disseny. Code by LLOS.